
Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome To The Dark Side! Part 2

This  will  be  me  continuing  on  the  website  Teens  For  Life,  proving  these  people  wrong.  What's  our  show  tonight,  ladies  and  gents?  It's  Hot  Topics:  Emergency  Contraception!

“Emergency Contraception” (EC) is the term applied to a very high dosage of hormones (40 to 50 times stronger than a daily “birth control” pill) taken within 72 hours of unprotected sexual activity. Proponents of EC claim it will prevent unintended pregnancy, but if fertilization has occurred prior to using EC, it will cause the abortion of a human embryo.

Translation:  Evil  sluts  kill  babies  with  their  crazy  pills.

There are three possible ways that EC can work:
1. It can prevent ovulation (the release of the unfertilized egg cell from the ovary). Without ovulation, there is no egg to be fertilized and pregnancy is avoided.
2. It can prevent fertilization.
3. It can prevent implantation of the new developing human embryo in the lining of the uterus. In other words, it can cause an early abortion.
Supporters of EC repeatedly deny that it will cause an early abortion, but that position flies against established medical fact. EC supporters who deny its abortion-causing action do so by redefining when human life begins. In other words, they reject the scientific fact that human life begins with the union of a the sperm and the egg (fertilization) and claim that conception occurs only when the tiny human embryo implants in the uterine wall (implantation). 

Here  comes  the  crazy  "Save  the  Zygotes"  loonies,  so  let's  grab  our  best  throwing  tomatoes.  An  early  abortion,  yipee!  I've  seen  the  facts  these  guys  throw  around  and  they  go  against  science.  And  you  know  what?  When  a  human  life  truly  begins  varies  by  person  to  person  (I  believe  it  begins  when  you're  born,  not  when  I  was  a  zygote)  and  only  that  person's  morality  should  define  when  human  life  begins.  You  anti-choicers  are  trying  to  also  change  when  human  life  begins.  And  the  abortion  war  goes  on.

Here are some other reasons to be concerned about EC:
EC in no way stops or protects against the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. It is not a “magic pill” that makes the consequences of sexual activity go away – and those consequences often include STDs that will be with you for life. 

Who  in  the  hell  doesn't  know  this?  Teens  in  abstinence  only  education  classes,  perhaps  (but  my  abstinence-only  class  preached  this  message,  too.  They  were  like:  "Evil  pill  no  save  you!").  But  really,  how  ignorant  are  these  people?  Can't  they  scream  their  abstinence  message  rather  than  trying  to  keeping  it  subtle?

Users of the drug are not being properly informed about the potential abortifacient action of the drug. If this drug is taken after fertilization has occurred, but before the newly formed human embryo implants in the uterine wall, it will cause an early abortion by blocking the embryo from implantation. 

Translation:  Emergency  contraception  goes  against  our  religion  so  we  must  harass  women  into  becoming  anti-choice.  We  also  believe  zygotes  are  people  but  not  women.

Numerous reports from countries where EC has been used for some time, that EC has little or no statistical impact on pregnancy or abortion rates. In fact, one study from the UK shows that abortion rates have risen with widespread distribution of EC. 

What  kind  of  abortion  rates?  Your  crazy  after  fertilization  stuff  or  clinic  abortions?  And  are  these  facts  from  Answers  In  Genesis?  Or  some  UK  Christian  company?  Or  would  you  look  at  actual  facts?

EC places pharmacists under fire. Pharmacists across the country are quickly finding that new abortion-causing drugs are placing them squarely on the front lines of the abortion debate. In Southern Illinois, for example, four pharmacists were recently forced to file a lawsuit after being placed on unpaid leave by Walgreens when they refused to violate their personal consciences by dispensing so-called “morning-after” pills. Walgreens officials claim they were forced into the action because of an executive order by Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich that demands that all pharmacists in the state fill all prescriptions, even if it’s a prescription for an abortion-causing drug. 

Isn't  providing  prescriptions  a  pharmacists  job?

Sexual predators will rely on EC to “cover their tracks”. Easy over-the-counter access to EC is a sexual predator’s dream come true and will lead to intense pressure on young girls by older boys and men to use EC, claiming that it will remove any consequences of sexual activity. 

Emotional  bullshit  blackmail  in  a  nutshell.  So  since  little  boys  can  now  get  "My  First  Condoms",  is  that  also  the  pedophiles  dream  come  true?  And  where  are  the  hell  are  you  getting  this?
Oh  look,  it's  a  GIF  of  an  older  man.  Isn't  he  just  so  frigging  evil  for  being  an  older  man?

EC carries none of the counseling safeguards that normal birth control pill require. Birth control pills are available by prescription only for sound medical reasons: They can cause significant or life-threatening conditions such as blood clots and heart attacks. Birth control pills are contraindicated for women with diabetes, liver problems, heart disease, breast cancer, deep vein thrombosis, and for women who smoke and are over 35. A medical exam is necessary to ensure that none of these contraindications exists. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 1.85 million women of reproductive age (18-44) have diabetes; approximately 500,000 do not know that they have the disease.” By contrast, users of EC are not required to have a medical exam or any of the common sense safeguards.

"Sound  medical  reasons"?  Like  for  safe  sex?  
 Stewie  is  looking  at  you  guys.

Lack of scientific studies examining risks. There is a clear lack of scientific studies on the long-term-effects of Plan B with respect to high dosage and repeated use in both women and adolescents. While the patient package directions on Plan B state it is not to be used more than twice a month, the directions and promotions of Plan B state it is also to be used in emergencies.2 These emergencies include unprotected sex and the failure of other birth control devices–factors that may arise more than twice a month. 

"Does emergency contraception have side effects?

Some women feel sick and throw up after taking ECPs. Headache, dizziness, lower stomach cramps, irregular bleeding, breast tenderness, and fatigue also can occur. Progestin-only ECPs cause fewer side effects than combined pills that also contain estrogen. The over-the-counter drug Dramamine 2 can reduce the risk of feeling sick and throwing up. Take two of these pills 30 minutes before taking ECPs. If you throw up after taking ECPs, call your doctor or pharmacist.
IUD placement has risks of pelvic infection or harming the uterus. But these risks are quite rare. If the IUD is left in place to be used as birth control, it can cause side effects such as cramps and heavy bleeding during your period."

This  is  from  a  pro-women  website  providing  accurate  information  who  isn't  afraid  of  spreading  facts.   But  these  kind  of  things  happen  with  the  pill,  too.  You're  just  pissed  whenever  a  woman  isn't  pregnant.

STD rates have skyrocketed in countries where Plan B has been deregulated. Since becoming available in the United Kingdom in 2001, Plan B usage among teenage girls has more than doubled. STDs with sharp increases include chlamydia and gonorrhea, with the highest increases in 16 to 19 year olds.3 Because STD’s such as chlamydia can cause infertility in women, the impact that increased access to and usage of Plan B has on STD rates could have a direct causal relationship to increased future infertility rates of U.S. women. 

This  is  solely  to  scare  women  from  having  sex  or  else  later  on  they'll  be  infertile.  Can  you  try  not  using  emotional  blackmail?

Link of Plan B to ectopic pregnancy. Statements from the World Health Organization and leading medical officials taken together provide a warning that increased risk of ectopic pregnancy exists with Plan B usage.6 Additionally, common physical side-effects a woman experiences following Plan B usage often mimic ectopic pregnancy symptoms, including cramping and severe pain. Consequently, there is valid concern for Plan B usage to actually mask ectopic pregnancy, an acute, life-threatening condition. 

Translation:  You  want  babies?  Stop  being  such  fucking  whores!
Supporters of emergency contraception are playing semantics with the language, and that is why they are so deceptive. This is a decades-old controversy. Until the mid-1960’s it was universally accepted that fertilization was the beginning of pregnancy. Under political pressure intended to accommodate abortion-causing drugs, a new definition of pregnancy moved the beginning of pregnancy from fertilization to implantation, but the semantics do nothing to change medical fact – physical human life begins at the point when a human egg is fertilized by a human sperm. At that point, a unique human being has been created that will continue to develop until birth unless that process is interrupted by a spontaneous miscarriage or an abortion. 

When  the  pill  was  released  it  helped  so  many  women  be  able  to  have  more  sex.  Better  birth  control  is  something   we  need.  You  need  to  accept  that  the  world  is  growing  more  liberal.  You  just  want  to  use  women  as  walking  ovaries. This  isn't  the  1950's,  people  are  beginning  to  understand  women  are  more  important  than  embryos!
It will take approximately 7 to 10 days for the newly formed human embryo to implant in the uterine wall. If that human embryo is prevented from implantation through the use of a drug like an emergency contraceptive, it is being aborted. 

Stop  spreading  your  women-hating  trash!  You  use  bullshit  like  this  to  dissuade  women  from  safe  sex  by  making  them  fear  that  they're  killing  a  "baby".

What's  our  next  episode,  folks?  Hot  Topics:  Euthanasia.  *Sigh*

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